Burnaby Association of Marine Modellers
Pleasure Craft Videos
Kobus's new RC Canoe
Kobus brought out his new radio controlled canoe to the BAMM pond. The two dudes paddle very realistically and even turn their heads to look around. Also in there is Dan's new RC Canada Goose!
From XTenProductions RC TV show
Supervee 27 chasing a PT Boat at Burnaby Central Park Pond
Kobus's Water Skier
Kobus has once again shown us that anything is possible with a great water skier.
RC Rowboat at BAMM
One of our members, Kobus designed and built this fantastic radio controlled rowboat. It is about 12 inches long. Notice that the dude can turn his head to get his bearings.
Burnaby Central Park Pond RC Boating Get Together
Aug 23, 2010
Model boats in Central Park, Burnaby BC Canada. Feb.24th 2008. Remote controlled boats and their owners meet Sunday mornings to wet their hulls.
Unique radio-controlled model of a Canada Steamship Lines upper laker. Three feet long.
All Lego construction including twin propellors, shafts, gears, engine-mount, rudder and steering linkage. The hull has a bulbous bow. Surprisingly good manouverablity for a long, very heavy boat. A slide show of the build is available here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dgcRGg... A big thank you to the Burnaby Association of Marine Modelers for the great floating diaramas!
Aug 29, 2011