Burnaby Association of Marine Modellers
Fun at the Pond Videos
Regatta at Burnaby Association of Marine Modelers AUG 20 2023.
The Burnaby Association of Marine Modelers host their 2023 Regatta with boats from around the world.
2015 Annual Regatta
Published on Sep 8, 2015
This video was taken by George Flavell at the 2015 Burnaby Association of Marine Modellers annual regatta.
BAMM boat pond fun.
4mods great video of happenings at the pond on May 18, 2014.
RC Tug George Caslor towing Kevin in his Kayak
Kevin towed himself around the Burnaby Association of Marine Modelers pond for about 2 1/2 hours Sunday Feb, 2, 2014. Still lots of battery left in that little tug. Both Kevin and Ulrich shot video for this.
Moving a giant ice flow at the BAMM pond.
There was just one big ice flow left on the pond in the shadow of some trees so Lorne M. and I decided to push it out into the sun to melt. It was attached by some thinner ice so I was able to break through and get it going. Many thanks to Mel for breaking the flow free from shore and of course my lovely cameraman Rick. March 10, 2019
We learn fascinating details about what model RC Boats are made of. Burnaby Boat Modelers
From XTenProductions RC TV show
RIP my Uncle John and Wifes Dad, Frank Power. Two great men gone to early this lifetime.
Awesome day at the park, filmed tons of awesome boats! Enjoy!
Ice Dance time lapse at the BAMM pond.
What to do with a nice big ice floe at the BAMM pond? Get it spinning! Handheld filming while I ran the boat makes it a bit shaky I'm afraid.
RCTV - Kobus Rower and Steamer
From XtenProductions428
Published on Jul 9, 2014
B.A.M.M. Master RC Builder Kobus shows us off his superb craftsmanship with two great scale boats.
RC TV visits British Colombia and the Burnaby Association Of Marine Modellers. This episode features various modellers and their tug boats.
From XTenProductions RC TV show
RC Tug George Caslor towing Kevin in his Kayak
Jan 31, 2023
On a lovely Sunday morning the ice was just the right thickness - about 3/16". At the Burnaby Association of Marine Modellers pond in Central Park. Many thanks to my camera operator Reggie.
RC Steam ship steals the show
An actual running miniature steam ship, Gary King shows a logging boat, and a snake fish?
From XTenProductions RC TV show Apr 8, 2013
Pre-launch at BAMM
Getting ready at the BAMM pond this morning.
Weather held off for this years boat regatta down at central park Burnaby.
Burnaby Marine Modelers Club Profile
Lots of scale RC model boats
From XTenProductions RC TV show
I was testing out a new boat to film from and I have to say I like the first test results, I need a smoother slower servo for turning the gopro but for a first test I think this is a really fun video. I hope you all love it, one of my faves now that I have made from the pond.
RC Boats at BAMM
Some towing going on at the Burnaby pond today. Realize that the barges are water ballasted - they weigh about 100 pounds each. Also the stern-wheeler Essington. April 1, 2012